We live in a world where everyone is absolutely certain about their facts and everyone is an authority on any topic that is even remotely of interest. Consequently, some people will be offended by the following material. We currently live in a world where there will be, today, ten fist fights in the aisles of commercial airplanes over whether one should wear a mask or not in crowded conditions. So, I would ask that if you do not believe this information or if you do not agree with what I am presenting here, then please just ignore it. Whether I succeed or fail, my goal is to present facts merely as facts and as FAQs. I know that this is not ‘investing’ material but please just look at this as a ‘blog extra’ where I am, once again, just presenting my point of view on a topic and yes, I already know that my point of view is often controversial and contrarian and sometimes wrong.
My ultimate goal is to present this as a sort of public service, although it may not be read or believed by enough people to be of any help. Parts of this article may make it sound as if I am against vaccines but I assure you that I am not. In fact, I believe that the vaccines used against the majority of viruses (DNA viruses) are one of the best things that medicine does (along with emergency care, extreme acute care and plastic surgery).
I still read, on average, 15 peer reviewed medical articles per week. And this posting represents a large body of research narrowed down to just 12 (printed) pages. If you take it one sentence at a time, you will understand it. You may not agree with it, but you will understand it.
From Scientific American, July 1, 2021: “The popular move right now is to declare that we must follow the science. But science is a process of learning and discovery, and sometimes we learn that what we thought was right is actually wrong. We can’t even agree on what the ‘scientific method’ actually is. Science is not simple and neither is the natural world.”
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- What is Covid-19? Covid-19 is a (deep lung) coronavirus, which is a type of virus that only infects mammals and it rarely jumps species. The human common-cold is also a (sinus) coronavirus. It is called a ‘corona’ virus because it wears a ‘crown’ of spikes (as shown above). Covid-19 is a coronavirus that infected human mammals starting in 2019. Whether this strain escaped from a lab or from a wet-market (that sells bats as ‘food’ out of filthy stalls), it likely jumped from bats to humans because there is a 96% similarity. Recent documents slipped out of the Wuhan Lab suggest that Covid-19 may have been accidently released from the Chinese lab (Google: ‘Wuhan Scientists Planned to Release Coronavirus Into Cave Bats 18 Months Before Outbreak’). Regardless, the Covid-19 coronavirus, along with the longstanding common-cold coronavirus, is now a human mammal virus. Viruses in general are not living things, they are pure genetic material contained in a capsule. When they inject themselves into a living cell, their genetic material takes over control of the cell and they become both different and ‘alive’ with the ability to reproduce. Like a horror movie, their surprisingly intelligent goal seems to be to reproduce in a host that they do not kill so that the host can be reused all over again at a later date. With RNA viruses, mutations are how they ultimately pull that off and that is explained further below.
- When will it all end? At this point, Covid-19 will likely always infect humans, much like the flu will always infect humans despite yearly vaccinations that are obviously not very effective. (Quite literally, as I sat here typing that prior sentence, a friend and client phoned to tell me that her already fully vaccinated family now has active Covid infections. The family doctor prescribed antibiotics which has exactly zero effect on viruses; antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses.) We will eventually begin to ignore Covid-19 just like we began to ignore the flu after the disastrous 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Although we may eventually find a way to kill both the flu and the corona viruses, we are nowhere close to doing that now… it would take an out-of-the-box quantum leap in science to pull it off. I just read a peer reviewed research paper where it stated that more and more scientists are now suggesting that we may be continually vaccinating and wearing masks and avoiding gatherings for the rest of our lives. The head of Moderna (on September 17th) stated that we may not require yearly shots and later the same day stated that vaccine immunity appears to only last for a few months so we will need ongoing Moderna shots and then one week later said, quite hopefully, that Moderna will wipe out Covid within the next 12 months. Possibly someone keeps correcting his viewpoint. I remember Warren Buffett’s quote: “Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.”
- Why will it always infect humans? There was a possibility that it could have been stopped if people had reacted aggressively at the very beginning with a global in-home quarantine and in-home masks for perhaps only a few weeks. Now, despite any heroic vaccine attempts, it will be next to impossible to ever eliminate Covid-19. Today it is everywhere and it is continually mutating and migrating in order to assure its survival. Most viruses are stable double-stranded DNA viruses that do not mutate easily. DNA viruses include measles, mumps, diphtheria, smallpox, polio; most of the viruses that can infect humans are DNA versions. Vaccines work well on these DNA viruses because DNA viruses normally do not mutate. Vaccines work like a lock and key. But if the lock is changed, the key will no longer work. The flu and coronaviruses are unstable single-strand RNA viruses that mutate often because they have great difficulty correcting for any errors of reproduction. You could think of it in these terms: Single strand RNA viruses do not have a back up copy (double strand) to rely on. If the lock (virus) is altered enough, then it is almost impossible to have a key (vaccine) that continues to fit.
- Do vaccines stop people from getting viruses? No, Covid-19 can and will still get into your body whether you got a vaccine or not; the theory is that the vaccine (or prior natural immunity) helps you to fight it off quickly and more easily and usually without symptoms.
- Is there anything that worries you about vaccines? Yes, definitely. With an ever higher percentage of people getting vaccinated, there is an increasing chance that there is a higher selection pressure on the part of the virus to aggressively mutate in order to alter the spike protein that the new mRNA vaccines are designed to effect. And if it accomplishes this, then there is also a chance that the new Covid-19 variant starts to exacerbate the Covid-19 infections via a phenomenon known as ‘antibody-dependent-enhancement’ where certain antibodies stick to the virus spikes incorrectly and actually end up contributing to the infection. This means that the vaccine could end up making the virus much, much more contagious (but not more lethal… the most likely pathway will be for the virus to become less and less deadly regardless of any variation).
- We are now being told that we will need ongoing “boosters” into the future. If the virus mutates several times per year, then how will the labs know what the future mutations will look like so that they can make a new updated vaccine that will work against any mutation that defeats the mRNA vaccine? They won’t know what a future version will look like in advance because labs are not psychic. Right now, a “Covid-booster” is just a third shot of the same thing. While theoretically it is better than the ‘old style’ vaccine, the new mRNA vaccine (Pfizer & Moderna) for an RNA virus will help until it no longer has any ability to help. There are a dozen new variants circulating around the globe. Researchers are suggesting that the new MU-variant coming up from South America (and already in every state in the U.S.) is not stopped at all by the current vaccine that the government is starting to mandate. The idea behind the mRNA vaccine was that it would give more lasting immunity against a mutating RNA virus since it deals entirely with the ‘spike protein’, but it already appears to do nothing of the sort.
- I was told that if I already had Covid, that I still need the vaccine. Why, if both produce immunity? The “vaccine is better” promotion comes from the vaccine manufacturers and from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Dr. Fauci, but the reputable National Institute of Health (NIH) states quite the opposite. Regardless, the very clear science is that the immunity from receiving the jab or from contracting Covid naturally are exactly the same. Exactly the same. However, strong immunity from either method likely lasts for no more than the following 8 months (according to NIH studies). It is important to note that the vast majority of people that contract Covid will naturally present with zero symptoms, so one could have natural immunity right now without even knowing it, and this could apply to hundreds-of-millions of people across the globe, so this complicates the equation. I do understand that “natural vs vaccine” is a very difficult choice to make when dealing with something like Covid-19 that has the potential to cause death. On some deep subconscious level I have to admit that I do wonder what happens if we constantly and endlessly inject ourselves with Covid concoctions, especially in the light that no long-term studies of the effect of the mRNA vaccine on humans has ever been done. It is simply a fact that we are all mRNA vaccine test subjects. Yes we are. A law was pushed through that no vaccine manufacturer (or government agency) can be sued during the next three years (until 2025). A surprising number of doctors anecdotally report auto-immune patients going from very mild to bad after taking the mRNA vaccines; perhaps 80% of the population is already auto-immune and most common diseases are actually auto-immune illnesses and the (cytokine) tie-in with Covid deaths is clear, extremely important and seldom discussed (more below)… so it is sort of a ‘catch-22’. I’m sorry to say that the current “scientific” answer to this potential worsening of auto-immune conditions (post-vaccine) is to add high blood pressure drugs to the long list of drugs that the patient is already on.
- It sounds like you are against vaccines? Absolutely not. In my opinion, the theory around vaccine use is brilliant and I am NOT saying to avoid the Covid-19 vaccine. In theory, the mRNA vaccine is great. Past public backlash has forced the labs to gradually remove some of the worst toxic elements from some of their vaccines, so injecting vaccines has gotten safer with time, but many still contain thimerosal-mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and/or MSG that can all damage brain & nerve tissue, so there is still work to be done to make them even less toxic. I’ve studied a lot of Latin and medical terminology and even I can’t pronounce half of the ingredients in today’s vaccines. And trust me on this, a vaccine really doesn’t need to have mercury in it (mercury causes extreme health problems in almost all organ systems even at very low levels) and the connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s is very well established (aluminum is a heavy metal when in the human body and it has an affinity for brain tissue… aluminum accumulating in brain tissue is mostly caused by spending a lifetime drinking phosphoric acid loaded soft drinks from aluminum cans and from cooking in aluminum pots). Anyway, vaccines absolutely do work on DNA viruses, which includes most viruses, and they obviously will work against RNA viruses until the virus mutates beyond the vaccine’s ability to help. The problem is that once a lab finds a new variant (mutation) that sidesteps the vaccine and does all of the work to get the vaccine up to running speed and delivered to the public and then administered, the virus may have further mutated. And while the new mRNA vaccine (Pfizer and Moderna) had difficulty in passing any animal studies because it was shown to cause liver & kidney injury in too many test subjects (Johnson & Johnson’s ‘old-style’ vaccine has caused severe but rare nerve damage in some current patients), my personal gut feeling is that these vaccines are relatively safe for the majority of people to inject, which is good since it is now being mandated around much of the globe. From a risk assessment viewpoint and looking at a world population of almost 9-billion people, one’s current risk of dying from either Covid-19 or from the vaccine are extremely low.
- What is the path of future outbreaks? All past pandemics involving RNA viruses (if not eradicated in the first few weeks) have eventually moved on to becoming a permanent part of the human experience, but more localized and less widespread and much less lethal; I assume that the same will occur with Covid-19. Of course the vaccine manufacturers will take credit for it, but it will actually just be the natural progression. DNA viruses like smallpox, measles and polio remained strong over time (since they do not mutate, they cannot become weaker) and that is why vaccines were so important for these DNA viruses (and we are fortunate that vaccines do work well with non-mutating DNA viruses). The only DNA virus ever eradicated by vaccines was smallpox.
- Do masks help to stop the spread from one individual to another? Yes, if they are tight enough to the face. It is not the thickness, it is the tightness. Social distancing will also help as will not touching your face with unwashed hands. Personally, I don’t often wear a mask, but if I were in tight quarters, as on a commercial airplane, I would most certainly wear a mask. In my opinion, these actions will not eliminate Covid-19 from the planet, it is too late for that.
- How can I cheaply test at home to see if I currently have or have recently already had Covid-19? On September 21st, Orasure (a great company) announced that they have developed a quick, in home, saliva test for detecting recent antibody production (with the help of $300-million taxpayer dollars, but Orasure will keep the profits). It will be on the market sooner rather than later. Their other products are already sold in many pharmacies like CVS (and also sold globally) so there can be a fast and easy release through already established supply lines.
- Does Ivermectin horse dewormer help against Covid-19? No, Ivermectin is not an anti-viral and it has a list of side effects as long as your arm. Covid-19 is not a parasite, it is a virus. But I’ve spent much of my life around horses and it works great in deworming horses and trust me on this, horses must be wormed. If you’ve ever seen foot long worms as fat around as your finger pass from a horse, you won’t ever forget the sight.
- What are monoclonal antibodies? These are antibodies cloned in a lab and injected into your body rather than being produced naturally by your body. This treatment is approved by the FDA and it is currently being promoted by hospital administers. (I have great respect for nurses… there is a reason why so many nurses refuse treatment of this type when they personally become sick.) Let me just say this about monoclonal antibodies: The known side effects of these ‘lab antibodies’ are dizziness, headaches, allergies, diarrhea, constipation, cough, fever, itching, back pain, fatigue, insomnia, anaphylactic shock, autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hepatitis, anemia, decrease in white blood cells, inflamed and swollen mouth, colitis, gastrointestinal perforation, severe destruction of the intestines, internal bleeding, blood clots, heart failure, cancer and death. In their infinite wisdom, the powers-that-be ordered that this special monoclonal treatment be reserved for those who are the most sick or elderly amongst us. Why am I cynical about this? Roughly speaking, for every drug or procedure or device that is approved by the FDA, another previously approved one is pulled from the market because, oops, it actually can permanently and severely injure you or even kill you. But they just keep on doing it.
- Isn’t the virus as deadly now as it was at the beginning? No, not even close. This following chart shows the progression of both ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ during the three waves that we’ve experienced. At the beginning, in early 2020, there were few cases but high death numbers and that was not good because it meant that the virus was very deadly. One year later the case and death numbers were moving in sync, meaning that death numbers as a percentage of total cases had actually dropped. (Of note, the high early 2021 case numbers accomplished the majority of their drop before vaccines were widely available so vaccines had little to do with the fall in case numbers or deaths.) More recently, in mid 2021, case numbers jumped much higher again but deaths remained quite LOW which means that deaths as a percentage of cases had dropped significantly. High case numbers and low death numbers means that the virus has become more contagious but much less lethal. Since the vast majority of Covid-19 cases present with zero symptoms, the recent gap between high cases and low deaths may be even wider. This drop in death numbers is good news. This chart also shows that recent Covid-19 case & death numbers may have peaked and already begun their descent.
Daily Covid-19 death numbers for the U.S are shown via the gyrating dark purple line below and it is shown to be lower than or equal to most other routine sources of human death. (Chart is courtesy of Statista and it is shown to July 1st of 2021, which is the last date that data is available for all causes of death.) Covid-19 fatalities spiked slightly higher in August and September of this year, appear to be peaking now, and will likely be back to July levels (below) by sometime before the end of the year.
- What is an auto-immune disease? [I’ve chosen to hyphenate the word auto-immune in order to emphasize the meaning of the word. “Auto” means self… you attack yourself.] Research suggests that 80% of all health problems in the United States (and globally) are actually auto-immune diseases. An auto-immune disease is where the body’s own immune system attacks its own bodily tissues, often at the person’s weakest genetic link. The research is absolutely clear; it is caused by your own health choices and there are (seldom used) blood tests that can pin down the cause and the relatively simple cure. Auto-immune diseases run the gamut: Alzheimer’s, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, Parkinson’s, psoriasis, eczema, celiac, vitiligo, thyroiditis, Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis (osteoarthritis is not auto-immune, it is ‘wear-and-tear,’ often caused by chronically misaligned bony anatomy or sometimes from overused joints), scleroderma, asthma, etc, etc, etc. True Functional Medicine practitioners (they can be life changing, but also very rare and difficult to find and many falsely claim the title) are the specialists that deal with this “cause/cure” scenario. In a world where health has been replaced with pharmaceuticals, these doctors rarely prescribe drugs. There are 100 commonly recognized auto-immune diseases which means that there are actually around 500. The odds are that your personal manifesting illness is actually an auto-immune problem; you might have one even if later-stage symptoms or disease processes are not currently presenting. Some early, pre-diagnosis symptoms: Stiff? Injure easily? Restless sleep? Itchy skin? Rash or redness, especially on your face? Stomach or bowel irritation? Constipation or chronic loose stools? Excessive gas production after eating beans? Chronic phlegm in your throat that is worse at night or in the morning hours? On-and-off runny nose? Headaches? Chronic fatigue (and “Long Covid?)? Autism that “runs in families”? Thought process forgetful or not entirely clear?
- How do auto-immune diseases affect Covid-19 patients? Auto-immune patients produce too many cytokines as part of their illness. Obese people also produce too many cytokines, at a 10x greater rate. Cytokines are sort of like little stupid, non-specific destructive missiles, sent out by the immune system, that are designed to kill anything that might need to be killed plus anything else that ‘gets in the way’ or that is in the general area (like lung tissue). Covid-19 is a virus that sets up shop in the distal air sacs of the lungs, where you breathe and exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. Auto-immune patients (and obese people) send in truly gigantic amounts of these cytokines in an attempt to kill the (inflammation causing) coronaviruses with the unfortunate result that the excessive cytokines end up destroying the air sacs themselves, and then the person cannot breathe. If you cannot breathe, you die. The coronavirus usually does not kill the patient, the patient’s own immune system kills them via cytokine overproduction and resultant lung destruction. Very clear research shows us that it was this excessive cytokine storm that killed almost 50-million people during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Between auto-immune conditions and obesity, a lot of people are at risk of over-reacting to a Covid-19 infection.
- Do vaccines stop this excessive cytokine production? No, not at all.
- Is there any easily available medicine that does temporarily halt the excessive cytokine production? Yes. As I started saying 1.5 years ago, Dexamethasone is an anti-cytokine steroid that is common, cheap, relatively safe and extremely effective. The only side effects for usage of under two weeks are temporary stomach cramps and a temporary irritated state of mind in some rare cases. When President Trump went to the hospital with Covid-19, he was much worse than the American people were told. Some very smart doctors there gave him Dexamethasone and he improved so fast that he was released almost immediately. But your doctor will not automatically give it to you. Should you be bad enough to have to enter a hospital, you will likely have to request him/her to discuss it with you. As I type, Pfizer, who makes Dexamethasone, is in the process of relabeling it as a “strong non-vaccine Covid treatment,” but with a much higher price tag (and a different name for the exact same thing).
- Is there anything safe & natural that can be taken as a Covid prophylactic? Yes. Natural curcumin supplementation halts excessive cytokine production and it can be taken safely by most people on a daily basis if used as directed. This is sold everywhere including Amazon, WholeFoods and in most decent supermarkets and health food stores. I personally take it along with high potency vegan DHA/EPA (Deva brand) and natural D-3 (not D-2!) from vegan sources (NOW brand, taken as directed). And this may sound too simple to be true, but zinc lozenges sweetened with natural xylitol will often knock out any oncoming viral (or bacterial) respiratory infection if taken immediately before bedtime as soon as any symptoms develop. There is a reason why so many water purifier companies add zinc to their filters and why companies like Tom’s of Maine add xylitol sweetener to their natural anti-microbe mouthwash and toothpaste. Zinc should only be taken in higher doses when feeling sick because if taken on an ongoing daily basis, it will eventually kill off even the good intestinal bacterial flora.
- Where can I learn more about Functional Medicine? Most illnesses being self-inflicted auto-immune diseases means that most human diseases are preventable and correctable. Yes, that’s correct. Research tells us that humans have the ability to live for 125 years and to be healthy and vibrant and active until the very end, but it takes the proper choices and actions along the way.
If you want to know more than your doctor: The few textbooks that are available are too difficult for lay people to get through, but there are five easy to read books, all written by Functional Medicine doctors, that the subscribers to this blog might find interesting (please read in this order):
- The Autoimmune Solution… by Dr. Amy Myers
- The Autoimmune Fix… by Dr. Tom O’Bryan
- The Wahls Protocol… by Dr. Terry Wahls (read the first half)
- The Scientific Approach to Intermittent Fasting… by Dr. Michael Vanderschelden
- Why Isn’t My Brain Working?… by Dr. Datis Kharrazian
- Covid-19 is a coronavirus which is a type of mutating RNA virus that is found in mammals with each mammal having their own version, but it can sometimes jump species. The common cold is also a coronavirus.
- Although Covid-19 could have been eradicated at the very beginning when it first jumped from bats to humans, at this stage it is likely never going away.
- Vaccines & masks will not eradicate Covid-19 from the planet; the mRNA vaccine will help only until the RNA virus mutates beyond the vaccine’s ability to help.
- If you have had Covid-19 within the past 8 months, a vaccine is of no additional benefit until 8 months after the date of first contracting the virus (but that won’t matter if every single place that you want to go to and everything that you want to do mandates a continually updated vaccine card).
- The death rate is much lower than most people believe, with the vast majority of deaths having occurred during the first wave spike in early 2020.
- The risk level is much lower than most people believe; you are currently (or soon will be again) more likely to be killed by your car than by Covid-19.
- It is patients with auto-immune diseases that are much more likely to die from Covid-19; auto-immune diseases represent roughly 80% of all global illnesses and if you personally have a manifesting illness, it is likely to be a mislabeled or misunderstood auto-immune condition.
- Auto-immune patients (and overweight people) produce too many cytokines.
- Immune system cytokines are what actually kills the majority of Covid-19 patients by destroying the breathing sacs (alveoli). If you can’t breathe, you can’t live.
- If you are really sick with Covid-19 and in the hospital, consider asking for Dexamethasone, which is an anti-cytokine drug with few side-effects if taken for no more than two weeks.
- There are natural preventatives (that help to reduce the overproduction of cytokines) that can be taken as part of a daily health regiment (listed above), but it is important to find out why you are auto-immune in order to fix the cause of the condition. Merely masking symptoms with drugs allows the auto-immune illness to progress and worsen over time. If you do not understand this, then picture having a rotting tooth but just taking aspirin so that you do not feel the pain. The aspirin literally does nothing to fix the actual CAUSE of your pain but it does allow the rot to continue.
BRIEF MARKET SUMMARY: On September 20th, with the market down almost 900 points, I sent a rushed client Market Update email to clients stating that the market had JUST bottomed and that it would move higher at the end of day and then proceed higher over the next few days to fill the chart gap, sending the S&P-500 to at least 4450. This was exactly correct. Even my clients don’t understand how difficult it is to do this. I used the drop to enter new client money into portfolio positions so that this new money also captured the three day major upside. Our earlier projection to reach the 4600 area was also exactly correct and I said that the market might then take a pause and become volatile. Guess what? Also correct. I then said that the volatility was likely not over but that the recent bottom was likely in. We’ll see. Now I’m saying that the S&P-500 naturally wants to meander up to 4700 by the end of the year (or early in 2022). I’m not psychic… I’m just open to listening to what MarketCycle’s proprietary system of indicators is trying to tell me.
So, we remain in the early stages of a new multi-year cyclical bull market for stocks (that began in late March of 2020) within the confines of a prolonged (18 year?) secular bull market that began in late October of 2011, peaking in perhaps 2029. As I keep saying, this is the stock bull market of our lifetimes. And commodity & gold prices will be the next bull market, peaking in perhaps 2037.
Thank you for reading. I’m sorry if anyone was offended by the material presented in this article; there certainly are strong opinions out there.
Consider becoming a client. It does’t cost; it pays. It’s simple to do and time’s a wastin’. There is a contact tab on the banner of our website and I reply to all emails same day.