Registered Investment Advisor for separately managed accounts seeking steady, low risk profits.
- Lower risk & volatility
- Stronger & steadier profits
- Portfolios that effectively exploit the repeating ‘bull-bear’ market cycle
- ‘Socially Responsible’ assets used whenever possible
Meet Dr. Stephen Aust

MarketCycle Wealth Management was developed by Dr. Stephen Aust after decades of intense systems analysis and testing.
MarketCycle Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisory in the United States, but we also work with clients on an international basis via our international brokerage.
All clients benefit from the strict U.S. regulations and oversight. All of our separately managed accounts hold SIPC insurance. We utilize socially responsible investments whenever possible.
Your first three months with MarketCycle are free and our management fee is low and reasonable. We earn our keep.
Our Advisory name is MarketCycle because our goal is to exploit and beat the market cycle.
Markets move through repetitive market cycles that contain multi-year bullish-expansionary periods that are followed by bearish-recessionary periods… and occasionally they trend sideways.
We periodically re-position our portfolios in order to excel & beat during these changing market conditions.
Jon Taylor, in his book, Investment Timing and the Business Cycle states that “the potential for enhancing investment returns in the equity market through market timing and market cycle analysis is significant.” And according to Bud Conrad, author of Profiting from the World’s Economic Crisis, “Market cycles can not only be observed, their patterns are repetitious enough to be traded.”

We get results by seeking steady, low risk profits
Do you gravitate toward popular investments and then panic when the market drops? Do you believe that profits are paramount and that watching risk is of lesser importance?
We believe that this is risky thinking. Here’s a better approach: There are three groups of assets with each group outperforming during a select type of environment. One group of assets outperform when the Federal Reserve is lowering interest rates. Another group of assets outperform when the Fed is raising interest rates. A third group of assets outperform when measurable risk is high with increased chances of entering a recessionary bear market. This is simple to implement, it works, it requires infrequent portfolio changes and it offers lower taxes throughout all periods.
This generates a smoother path to true out-performance – and it can beat aggressive styles of investing while decreasing the emotional roller-coaster. Remember, the tortoise always beats the hare.
As an example of totally unsolicited and verbatim client testimonials, the following was extracted from client emails.