In this article, we cover:
- How much longer will this bull market continue, and what happens at the end of the bull?
- Is government debt a problem?
- Is inflation going to come back?
- Did President Biden cause our first spike in inflation?
- How will President Trump affect the economy and your pocketbook and will he cause a second (and even larger) spike in inflation?
- How to pay half price for your house and why a mortgage is an investment vehicle that is your best friend.
- How will President Trump affect investment portfolios?
- Is crypto currency heading even higher?
- Is the USDollar in trouble? Is gold going to the moon?
- MarketCycle has been generally bullish since April of 2009… are we STILL bullish?
- “Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia”… why did they pick that word to mean “the fear of long words”?
I’ve been attempting to write shorter articles, but this one is long; perhaps too long to read on your little phone. I feel that it is important for clients to read this particular posting; it covers a wide range of topics and yes, it is easy to understand if taken one sentence at a time. There is a PDF generator and a print function at the bottom of this article, so that you can read it at your leisure (an extra benefit is that if you read it just before bed, it will help to put you into a deep sleep!). So, printing this out is a good solution and you can just think of it as your “next book to read.” I put a lot of work into this one; there were a lot of revisions over a period of several weeks; in the final revision, I removed half of the text, believe it or not. Part of that effort went toward an attempt to not offend anyone; I ended up just offending everyone equally and so, I ask for absolution in advance.
December of 2024 was very weak, with a stock market and bond and commodity drawdown to end the year; not many expected this. Much of this selling had to do with professional money managers taking profits or booking losses for tax reasons, possibly with the intent of eventually repositioning assets toward the new Trump Presidency policy changes that start on January, 20 2025. At the time of posting this article at 11:00 AM EST on 01/07/24, the stock market is down in order to back-fill the price chart GAP that occurred yesterday. Chart gaps are almost always (fairly quickly) back-filled before the market can resume its path higher. MarketCycle’s system of proprietary indicators suggests that a stronger January is possible.
What is a “market cycle” and where are we in the cycle? The stock market cycle has a fairly repetitive pattern that Wall Street calls a “market cycle.” The profitable bullish period of a market cycle climbs ever higher for a 5-6 year period and then it falls into a bearish period that lasts for 1-2 years. The complete market cycle is usually 6 to 8 years in total. We tend to get three multi-year stock bull market cycles in a row over a longer secular period; we are currently in the third and final of those three cyclical stock bull markets. This third cyclical bull market is usually the strongest one. At the very end of this current bull market, we will get the normal prolonged bear market, but this may still be about 4-5 years from now, so it is too early to worry. Both the up and the down portions of the market cycle, the entire market cycle, can be profitable with the simple switching of a few portfolio assets every few years.
Throughout history, the cyclical pattern, as shown above, has repeated over and over and over again. During each market cycle, investors seem completely surprised by the process. The trick is in knowing when to switch the assets within one’s portfolio based on the stages of the market cycle, and then to be patient. This is why “MarketCycle” was created.
The current market cycle began its rising bullish period in October of 2022 and the new bull market was confirmed in October of 2023. If you count out 6 or 5 years from the start, it indicates that the current bull market is scheduled to come to an abrupt halt sometime in the Fall of 2028 or possibly in 2029. Of course, this date could change because on January 20th we will begin an experiment in the abrupt and pervasive alteration of the normal workings of the U.S. economy. Details of this experiment are outlined further down below. There is still a good chance that the remaining 4 years of this current (technology centered) stock bull market will be SUPER-STRONG… a new “Roaring 20’s.”
This next chart shows what happened during the last period that was similar to today, 1995 to 2000. Like now, it was the third cyclical bull of three and it was technology-sector centered, like today. I do not know if we get a copycat version of this prior market between today and late-2028 or 2029, but it is quite probable and with the relative strength behind artificial intelligence (AI) and Crypto, it contains the workings of being even stronger… as long as our “fearless leaders” don’t muck up the gears of both the markets and of the economy.
BELOW: The economic cycle itself (BLUE) always lags the stock market cycle (ORANGE). This means that stocks will react to what is about to happen even before it shows up in the economy. In investing, you have to learn to make your move BEFORE any economic confirmation lets you know that your bet was correct. This takes decades of experience and a lot of patience. The image also shows that stocks and the economy are not the same things, simply because they are so totally out of synch with each other.
From Moody’s Analytics, U.S. stock & bond rating agency, via CNBC:
What is “inflation” and is it coming back again, only worse? I believe that MarketCycle was the very first to predict the recent spike in inflation, before anyone else saw it coming. We wrote about it in 2020, but the Fed didn’t see any inflation until March of 2022. Inflation was directly caused by massive money printing, all as a response to Covid. Trump/Pence initiated $2-Trillion in “relief” checks and Biden/Harris initiated another $2-Trillion. Biden liked the idea so much that he tried to put his name on the project. Every dog & cat in the country received an assistance check. I have a doctor friend whose income went way up during Covid and yet he received a “free” check for $1.5-Million in the mail. Since Covid didn’t kill the economy and there was no economic hole to fill (no USDollar destruction), the massive extra money printing instead increased the U.S. debt by a truly gigantic amount and it caused a mountain of inflation.
MarketCycle, besides being the first to call the recent inflation spike, also called the peak of the spike correctly, almost to the day, and we said that the drop in inflation would be gradual and then stall at around 3%, and it has. This wasn’t all that difficult to predict. How could both Presidents and their advisors, and the entire U.S. Treasury, and the powerful Federal Reserve NOT have known that if there is no economic hole to fill, then any extra printed money causes a mountain of inflationary debt. It is difficult to fathom how so many analysts can be sitting at these major institutions with none of them holding an understanding of the basics of finance. If there is no hole, then there is nothing for you to fill; if there is no money destruction, then you don’t need to replenish it.
This chart shows the amount of debt added just during the past two President’s terms: Trump’s first term followed by Biden’s only term. The nation’s debt almost doubled in 8 years.
And this chart shows the government’s rapidly rising interest payments on the above debt. This is directly tied in with excessive spending and money printing. Can you imagine if this were the way that you ran your home or your business? What would the end result be?
Inflation under Biden/Harris? November 2022 CNBC snippet, two years ago: While the stock market remains profitable, the economy and the consumer are harmed by inflation spikes. Investment account profits generally help to hedge the direct consumer losses caused by higher prices on everything that we buy… another reason to reallocate savings toward investment accounts, and this will become even more important as time passes. Buy stocks, not stuff.
How will President Trump affect the economy and your investments starting in 2025? I have written that the inflation spike that we just lived through is going to repeat again towards the end of the current super-bull. Originally, I didn’t know how or by whom the second spike would be caused, but I knew that it was coming. And then President Trump was re-elected. It is estimated that Trump’s policies, even with any DOGE cuts, will quickly add another $8-Trillion to the U.S. deficit, and this amount alone would rapidly increase the debt by another 25%.
In my opinion, initially we will experience a two-year battle between Trump’s many deflationary policies and his much stronger inflationary policies.* Interest rates will continue to move lower in 2025 and perhaps in 2026, but by 2027 we are likely to see rising inflation once again starting to gain a foothold. Ultimately and at the end of this bull, high inflation & high interest rates may be what finally chokes off this current stock bull market. But that is not now, and it is not soon.
* And it may be a bit more complicated than just deflationary and inflationary policies waging a battle. The following brilliant comment about “the dog finally caught the car, and now what?” was extracted from a late December Fox News article. The words of Jonah Goldberg, a well-known conservative commentator:
Trump’s DEFLATIONARY policies:
- Deregulation of corporations is mostly deflationary.
- Reduction in government spending is deflationary, although it will be VERY difficult to find legitimate things to cut that won’t harm either people or the environment. Eliminating the proposed $2-Trillion from the nation’s debt level may take ten years to accomplish rather than one, and it is likely to cause palpable pain.
- Trump’s immediate halt to Biden’s push for forgiveness on already existing student loans will save $550-Billion, and this savings is also deflationary. Other areas discussed by Democrats and shot down by Trump: It would cost $3.5-Trillion+ per year to give “free Medicare and drugs for all”… so it turns out that it isn’t actually free. And “free college for all” would cost only $70-Billion per year, a low enough cost that the figure actually surprised me. The cost differences probably mean that we are more often sick than we are smart. Yes, these are good intentions, but it turns out that the government actually must also have the ability to pay for the “free” things that it gives away or the entire economy will eventually implode.
- Increased energy production is deflationary (although the U.S. is already producing oil and natural gas at record levels). Commodities are finite. Peak oil production and extraction occurs sometime during the next 15 years and then it is all rapidly downhill for carbon-based energy use, so it is unfortunate that clean energy and EV’s are about to be chopped off at the roots (to wither on the vine) since they would take about 15 years to ramp up.
- Productivity boom from robotics and artificial intelligence is deflationary in a major way.
Trump’s INFLATIONARY policies:
- Deporting millions of (illegal or migrating) workers out of the country, especially at a time when the U.S. basically has full employment, will result in increased food production costs, increased industrial & building costs and increased “consumer services” costs, etc. This will prove to be very inflationary.
- Tariffs can be highly inflationary. The idea is that tariffs slowly force manufacturing to return back to the United States, however, we likely have only 4-5 years to accomplish the mission before the next (big) recessionary bear market takes over the economy, so it’s unlikely to actually happen except on a small scale. President Trump’s tariffs will be paid by U.S. importers (not by the foreign exporter) who will then pass the entirety of these costs on to the U.S. consumer. Trump has promised 25-60% tariffs “on day one” and he would be hard pressed to go against this oft repeated campaign promise. He recently stated that the Tariff Executive Order was already written and ready for his signature. That item that you want to buy on Amazon, the one that was made in China and that cost $100 today, may soon cost you $160. The salad that you eat may soon cost twice the price. The car part that you need, the one that was made in Mexico, may soon go from $400 to $500. That $10000 bundle of lumber that you need, the one from Canada, may soon cost you $12500. Your new Ford truck, the one that you need for work, may go from $40,000 to $50,000 overnight. As inflation builds, the costs will only float higher. Inflation feeds on itself. Again, tariffs are highly inflationary.
- Constant and continual money printing to pay for President Trump’s oft repeated campaign promises: A massive round-up & deportation process (estimated cost at $600-Billion, but likely much, much higher than this)… or to pay for building giant detention centers (estimated cost at $175-Billion)… or to pay the astronomical costs associated with building “The Wall” (just in Texas, it will take 30 years and cost $22-Billion to build)… or to subsidize corporations (and oligarchs like Elon Musk) in general… or buying Greenland, relatively cheap at an estimated $1.2-Trillion (the Greenland government actually told us to “F**k off “), a project which the President-elect recently called: “An absolute necessity”… or to cover the cost of $10-Trillion in tax cuts where 40% goes to people earning more than $732,000 per year while Americans earning less than that would receive only $1300 in tax savings (more than offset by big tariff costs). Americans earning less than $50,000 per year get nothing, but they will still have to pay much higher prices on almost everything that they buy, via tariffs. And President Trump’s oft repeated “concept” of eliminating all income taxes and replacing them with tariffs is just plain silly-talk. Honest, I’m not suggesting a political bias in saying any of the above since I am “offending everyone equally.” I am just pointing out that, if implemented, these new policies would all require constant & continual & non-stop money printing and that this is the very definition of “the cause of high inflation.” Our debt will eventually harm us and both Biden’s free-hand spending and the costly planned programs proposed by Trump will both combine to do the job… of eventually doing major damage to the U.S. currency and to the U.S. economy and ultimately to the people of the United States.
From the highly respected (and very expensive!) Ned Davis Research… tariffs and deportations ultimately will give us both weaker growth and stronger inflation, a double whammy:
Snippet extracted from FactCheck.org:
Recent thought provoking headline from CNBC:
During this coming second inflation spike, certain assets will continue to run up into a profitable market bubble; not all assets will join in, but artificial intelligence, automation and innovative technology assets are likely to bullishly bubble up since they will be fairly immune to inflation. They will likely not join in with the “renewed growth of inflation” thesis because, at their heart, they are all deflation causing assets. I say this because during all prior inflationary periods, technology excelled as an investment asset.
On December 18th, 2024, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said the following to the Press (about Trump’s proposed tariffs) and he ended up causing the Dow stock index to fall 1200 points in a span of less than two hours. He understands how inflationary Trump’s policies and tariffs might be. One can tell by the confused speech pattern that he is being boxed into a corner; he already knows that inflation may eventually get beyond his control. To gain control of inflation this second time around, the Fed may even be forced to orchestrate a recession at the end of this decade just as Paul Volker did during the early 1980’s big inflation spike (that occurred via massive money printing to pay for the Vietnam War). And even that may not permanently work this time around because we may inherit stagflation during the 2030’s decade.
Jerome Powell:
January 2026 news story: From The Onion about the recently proposed defunding of National Public Radio that was suggested by the GOP:
MarketCycle was forced to make some recent portfolio changes because of the multi-faceted Trump regime plans & policies and the fact that it will all cause the Fed to lower interest rates less than previously expected. In fact, actual interest rates (as set by the Fed) may even jump around a bit in the future rather than following a clearly defined up-or-down trend. Higher inflation and more chaotic interest rates require an alteration in portfolios.
A summary of what the 100 biggest institutions and most respected analysts are PREDICTING for 2025, and yes, this took me many hours of searching and reading to assemble below as 9 simple bullet points.
- All relative strength is with the United States.
- Small-cap and mid-cap stocks start to excel as the market begins to broaden out.
- Interest rates move lower in 2025, but they move less than was previously expected.
- Inflation is going to eventually come back to haunt us.
- USDollar (USD) gyrates sideways.
- Hold gold over commodities. Hold stocks over bonds. Hold cyclical stocks over defensives.
- AI and crypto lead the markets higher for longer.
- Best intermediate-term sectors: technology, financials, industrials, REITs, utilities.
- Many of them predict that we will hit an air-pocket in 2025, perhaps in the second half of the year, that brings a very temporary 10% pullback… that quickly recovers… and it should be used as a buying (adding money) opportunity.
MarketCycle bought a small amount of crypto (Bitcoin and Ethereum) for client accounts a couple of years ago when it was below $15,000 per Bitcoin. It is now at roughly $100,000 and we will see it go much higher. It is not safe for us to hold a large allocation to crypto, no matter how enthusiastic one is, because crypto is just way too volatile for a larger positioning within an investment account. Effective as of late-November, there are now two ETFs that brilliantly move to protection when crypto-currencies start to experience a price drawdown, so they will likely prove to be substantially less volatile while having the ability to lock in profits (with no tax consequence). So…
Considering that it is just a bunch of computer digits, Bitcoin is a scarce ‘thing.’ The scarcity somehow gives it value. 3.7-million individual Bitcoins have already been permanently lost. One grown man in the USA lost $181-Million when his mom cleaned his room and tossed out the trash on his desk, including the drive that held his Bitcoin wallet… another guy in the UK lost $527-Million when his mom did the exact same thing… and in Norway, you guessed it, mom struck again to the tune of $500-Million. There must be a moral hidden in this somewhere? Maybe move out if you are 35 and a multi-millionaire? Perhaps, don’t make your mom clean your room?
I do believe that President Trump will, as promised, attempt to sell some of the country’s gold in order to buy actual Bitcoin for the new Bitcoin Strategic Reserve. In my opinion, this is an extremely dangerous idea because of Bitcoin’s inherent volatility (in both directions), but it is an idea that will likely keep driving the price of Bitcoin higher because of a continuous supply of “buy the dips.”
Our 8% position in actual physical gold (held for us in the secure vaults of the Royal Canadian Mint) is still on a tear higher… very profitable. Our allocation is a high one; most professional advisors and hedge funds hold a 0% allocation to gold… they “don’t believe in it” and they call it “a relic of the past.” Gold is very much less volatile than is Bitcoin. In my opinion, gold will eventually prove to be much more important than is Bitcoin because it is not volatile (it is a more stable storage of money) and because it offers powerful protection against the future debasement of the USDollar via the non-stop money printing. Gold cannot be ‘printed’ into existence (or created by a computer programmer).
Gold? I subscribe to the (cheap @ $90) newsletter that the much-respected Dr. Jim Paulson puts out each week, Paulson’s Perspectives. It is available via Substack. Being retired but still holding a wealth of knowledge coupled with a hefty dose of humility, Paulson is finally able to let loose in his publicly released analysis. He gives somewhat generalized advice and makes no asset suggestions. He gave me permission to share the following…
This short snippet was taken from his recent 12/09/2024 posting:
I’m suddenly ultra-cautious about US Treasury-bonds, especially since they do not perform well in an inflationary regime, and inflation is our future environment. After 40 years of holding them, this was a difficult thing for me to let go of. We now live in a world where Treasury-bonds have almost no buyers of consequence and this will prove to be an increasingly inflation causing problem going forward. Can anyone picture China or Canada or Mexico or Europe or Russia continuing to buy US Treasury debt? I can’t. Who would want to buy US Treasuries (loan the US money) when the US government moves toward protectionism, routinely seizes the assets of other countries and continues to grow gigantic deficits. Bonds have already entered into a 15-year secular bear market. They may now get a bounce in the near-term, but a drop longer-term.
Awhile back, in order to get in early, MarketCycle bought some diversified, innovative artificial intelligence and robotics stocks and we recently added an equal amount via a particular dedicated AI & robotics ETF. Like crypto currencies, these are also showing great strength now that the U.S. Presidential election is decided. Technology stocks in general, despite having an occasional weak day, are showing great strength in their market internals.
In client accounts, MarketCycle is currently positioning client portfolios toward artificial intelligence via:
- Small utilities that supply energy to artificial intelligence (AI) facilities
- REIT (giant warehouse) facilities that are dedicated for AI data storage
- Large AI chip makers
- Small AI software companies
- Technology sector momentum stocks
- Multi-cap momentum positioning (which will increasingly pick up on AI stocks)
Regionally, all relative strength is still with the United States and I expect it to remain there for another 5-ish years, at which point Asia will likely take over leadership within the context of a generally weakened and stagflationary global economy (stagnant economy with high inflation… not a good combination). The US is currently the generator of the majority of innovative technology ideas. Europe is still generally economically weak. China is still a mess.
I found this visual chart to be interesting; it compares the United States to the European Union countries:
Growth (strong) stocks, and momentum stocks, are now clearly beating value (underpriced) stocks and I also expect this to continue. The exception would be in financial sector stocks, which are currently value stocks that took over leadership when Trump was re-elected (because of his proposed deregulation of banks and corporations). We have to remember that it was bank deregulation that actually caused the Crash of 1929 AND the Crash of 1987 AND the Technology Crash of 2000 AND the Financial Crash of 2008. The only thing that we got each time was rampant fraud and too high leverage. We never learn.
To meld in with the theme of deregulation, the SEC has recently approved the two riskiest ETFs in the history of the universe, and I promise you that they will eventually blow up: MSTX and MSTU
The conservative publication, The Wall Street Journal, is reporting that President Trump is, behind the scenes, talking about actively working to eliminate the government’s FDIC bank insurance that protects your savings and checking account, but that he plans to keep the SPIC brokerage account insurance intact.
Financial deregulation combined with inflation will likely cause the already crazy high credit card interest rates to soar to ridiculous loan shark levels in a relatively short period of time. 20%-30% now, but eventually a 70% (adjustable rate) interest payment on credit cards by 2030 on those with even the highest credit rating? Believe it or not, this seems probable to me.
I’ve watched The Big Short movie at least a dozen times and it is also one of my wife’s favorites. She teaches dance & movement & exercise classes (NIA) for a living, so if she likes it, it must be very entertaining and well done. The Big Short clearly shows the results of bank (and general financial) deregulation.
There are currently so many potentially ultra-bullish assets to invest in that MarketCycle is highly diversified. With Trump coming into office in January, a broader spectrum of stocks might become ultra-strong, particularly small-cap and mid-cap sized stocks.
Some assets such as crypto, managed futures, gold, bonds, REITs, utilities and even select long-short hedge fund type ETFs all can help to protect some during bear markets. MarketCycle’s client accounts hold all of these assets.
Managed futures, crypto, gold and silver, tech stocks, plus home ownership*… can also help to counter inflation. Owning silver in an investment account is inferior to owning gold because it is much more volatile and it offers less protection during stock downturns.
* When buying a home during a prolonged, secular inflationary regime, it is critical that one gets a (I currently suggest a 15-year fixed rate) mortgage rather than paying cash. A mortgage is your friend, it is an investment vehicle; it doesn’t cost you money, it makes you money. If you buy a $500,000 home with cash, you have a $500,000 home. If you buy a $500,000 home with a fixed-rate mortgage, the BANK essentially buys your house for you, because with a mortgage…
- You still get the $500,000 home, but you are paying for it with future inflated money and taking tax write-offs on the interest payments in most countries (if the mortgage is under $750,000 in the U.S.). So with a fixed-rate mortgage, you are essentially buying the $500,000 home for somewhere around half price, and perhaps less than that. The higher the inflation, the stronger this concept.
- The mortgage tax write-offs may kick you into a lower tax bracket, an added big bonus.
- BUT the home is going up in price because of inflation, so you are perhaps buying a $500,000 home that is eventually worth $1-Million, but you are paying perhaps a $250,000 equivalent for it slowly OVER TIME.
- AND the money that you might have (upfront) paid cash for the home with is earning MUCH MORE in an investment account… and the account profits can help to pay off the mortgage with money to spare.
- SO, you get the house cheap (and inflating in price), plus you get the investment account profits, plus you get the tax write-off, when you lock in a fixed-rate mortgage on your home purchase. YOU GET ALL THREE. Inflation sometimes has a good side.
- Fixed-rate mortgages may reach their lowest interest rate level by mid-2026. Lower in late-2025; lowest in mid-2026(?).
I’ve added a new sign over my desk and it is really the underlying message in this blog posting:
“All roads lead to inflation!”
Inflation favors investors and harms spenders; inflation transfers money to people with investment accounts.
What does it mean: “All roads lead to inflation”?
- The USDollar (USD) is not backed by anything at all other than the U.S. just saying that it has a good currency; it officially stopped being backed by gold in 1971, but we have had the ability to print money at will since 1933… and we have printed. Since 1933 the USD has lost 97% of its value (slow motion inflation).
- If you print money (or borrow money from overseas that is exchanged into USD), you increase the total amount of USD in existence.
- If you increase the total amount of USD in existence, then each USD is worth less because they are less scarce.
- If each USD is worth less, then it will take more of them to purchase a service or an item than it would have taken prior to the money printing.
- If everything costs more, then this is inflation… prices are inflated.
- Seeing prices moving steadily higher results in panic buying on a large scale and this leads to scarcity and a further increase in inflation.
- Salaries cannot keep up with the higher prices, so the consumer is eventually crushed.
- Inflation makes things eventually cost so much that it breaks the back of the economy, which then crashes.
- The crash destroys money and resets the economy, but at a great expense that some countries have a terrible difficulty recovering from. In Germany, before World War II, their currency was so devalued by money printing and debt (to pay for World War I reparations) that people were actually burning their paper money instead of buying firewood because their paper money was worth less than was a stack of wood. This is ultimately what led to Adolph Hitler’s rise to power… his promise that he alone could fix everything and bring Germany “back to greatness.”
- So, unless you are printing money to make up for an equal amount of money that was destroyed during a financial crash (as in the Financial Crash of 2008), then you are ultimately creating destructive inflation, which then leads to a new financial crash.
- “All roads lead to inflation.”
I am a patient bull in a clearly bullish environment that currently contains just ‘average’ risk and with a stock market that may become quite strong and perhaps even parabolic at the end.
I am constantly watching measurable risk levels. When in a strong stock bull market, we don’t want to be jumping in and out of the market because that creates actual losses. When the stock market drops, one still owns the same number of shares, so any “loss” is not real if it is not realized by selling the position. We want to buy low and sell high, not the reverse. We want to eventually sell into enthusiasm, not panic. We actually want to buy during panic, not sell during panic.
And of course, people panic over even the smallest of market drops and they want to run away when they should want to run towards. We should not listen to our internal fear & panic because it is not clear-headed. And we should often do the opposite of what the noisy crowd is doing; they are almost always wrong.
From the original Star Wars movie, a motivational quote from Darth Vader:
I stated in MarketCycle’s prior blog that there is one thing that the market hates and that is “uncertainty.” We may get more than a bit of that during the remainder of this super-bull because there is the definite potential for periodic disturbances in The Force, so we’ll be ever watchful. We might even get one temporary 10% correction during 2025, which would be a buying opportunity, not a selling opportunity. Every day we have to say to ourselves: “Is this ‘new thing’ just temporary & passing and is it more of a mental & emotional threat rather than an actual event… or is it something that actually changes markets and our current thesis?” Most things are just temporary and passing; something that we have to ride out but ignore. And we have to remember that stocks and the economy are NOT the same things… they don’t even cycle in unison, as per the image that we started this article with and that is reproduced again below.
This technology centered stock bull market might be one for the record books. There are reasons to be excited!
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Thanks for reading!
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